Independent rubber and plastics experts Smithers Rapra will provide the two-day course “Introduction to Plastics and Rubber Materials in Medical Devices” at Smithers Rapra, Shawbury, UK on 2-3 December 2015.
Aimed at companies considering entering the medical device or accessories market, the course will provide an insight into the material requirements and manufacturing conditions that may apply and will explore the scope and impact of the European Medical Device Directive (MDD) in relation to their use.
The course will also be useful to existing suppliers who may be considering using plastics or rubber in place of traditional engineering materials.
Course Dates: 2-3 December 2015
Venue: Smithers Rapra, Shawbury, Shropshire, SY4 4NR, UK
Course contact: Gill Tunnicliffe at Smithers Rapra.
More information and the link for registration can be found here.